Fonet Academy

Fonet Academy ensures that the communication and technical skills of our in-house employees are improved and the training requests from the organizations that we are solution partners are met, and training plans are prepared and implemented.

Fonet Academy, which aims to enable Fonet employees to use their existing skills at the maximum level, to improve their technical knowledge and communication skills through theoretical courses, and to increase their qualifications and service quality by organizing trainings on current legislation and technologies with internal and external resources, increased its activities in 2023.

In hospitals where we are a solution partner, training requests from other administrative and technical personnel, especially doctors, nurses and medical secretaries working in the hospitals where services are provided, are also met by Fonet Academy. In the trainings implemented in this context, plans are made according to content and user roles. The number of participants is divided into small classes according to their specialization, theoretical and practical trainings are provided on the basis of user groups. In the hands-on laboratories, theoretical trainings are reinforced by planning practical sessions where the personnel can practice at any time they want and receive one-to-one support where they get stuck.

Our objectives as Fonet Academy;

  • Raising the leaders of the future.
  • Ensuring that our employees can represent both themselves and our company effectively.
  • Building team spirit by supporting teamwork.
  • Developing our employees’ sense of responsibility and belonging.
  • Acting with the principle of “continuous improvement”